Please note - meeting on 18 June has been postponed.
Sat 23 June @ 12pm noon
Please take action on Saturday against Veolia
Walthamstow Town Square, gathering initially under big TV Screen
Alongside our colleagues from London BDS, please join us to gather urgent petition signatures for the anti-Veolia campaign. Stop criminally-liable international conglomerate Veolia, a financially-discredited company thoroughly complicit in Israeli Occupation malpractice and countless human rights violations against Palestinians, from spending your hard-earned taxes on questionable processes turning our homes' recycling into fuel. Kick international criminality out of Waltham Forest: don't let Veolia get our taxes. See our "Say No to Veolia!" page on this site for the legal and moral submission sent to North London Waste Authority in preparation for their Board meeting happening at the end of this week on Friday 22 June. If you get a chance, join the protest outside that meeting at Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, just opposite the British Library near Kings Cross, from 9am on Fri 22 June.
Mon 16 July @ 7.30pm
Rescheduled - WFPSC AGM
Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street, E17 9AH
- Reports on WFPSC activity over the last year
- Elections for officer roles
- Social gathering, a chance to catch up
Other vital campaigns
Please also check the PSC website ( for all the latest campaigns that need your urgent support, including petitions and ways to lobby your MP on Hunger-Strikers including renowned footballer Sarsak, Child Prisoners and much more. Your support and simple contribution of time and thought to help Palestinians at this particular juncture is vital. Please also note WFPSC is supporting an important Waltham Forest community campaign to remove racism, anti-semitism and fascism from our borough, "We Are Waltham Forest", and would urge you to participate as well.
Many thanks
WFPSC team
Waltham Forest Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Patrons: Neil Gerrard, Jean Lambert MEP, Prof Nur Masalha
Twitter: @wfpsclondon
Post: WFPSC c/o Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe St, Walthamstow, E17 9AH