Sunday, 7 July 2013

WFPSC Annual General Meeting 2013 - All Welcome!

We look forward to welcoming you to our AGM!

Monday 08 July 2013
7.30pm - 9.30pm

Hornbeam Centre
458 Hoe Street
E17 9AH


1.  Apologies
2.  Minutes of 2012 AGM
3.  Reports from Chairman, Treasurer and other officers
4.  Elections of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and six other officers including the BDS and friendship links/twinning focussed roles.
5.  Dates for 2013 AGM and 2013/2014 Branch Meetings
6.  Initial plans for 2013/2014
7.  AOB

We had wanted to have a speaker from the charity CADFA (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association) to speak to us about 'Common Ground', a project taking place in late August bringing 16 Palestinian teenagers to the UK from both the West Bank and Gaza, to spend two weeks on a music and education project with 16 UK teenagers of the UK, culminating in London with day in Waltham Forest.  Our friendship links team is really looking forward to supporting this project.

However, CADFA is immersed in an over-running school children's visit from Abu Dis, having experienced extreme difficulties when the children's Headmaster was blocked from leading their school expedition to the UK by Israeli authorities, for no apparent reason.  A week was spent frantically campaigning to try to get the Israeli Authorities to let the Headmaster travel with the children.  The kids became stuck in limbo in Amman awaiting the outcome.  All pleas to the Israeli Authorities fell on deaf ears.  The children with their youth leaders managed to make it to the UK to fulfil their project commitments, but their travel plans have been thrown into disarray and they are currently having to stay in the UK for a few extra days before being able to try to get back to the West Bank, still without their Headmaster, at the end of this week.  All this means CADFA cannot offer us a speaker, and our sympathies are with Nandita and the CADFA team. 

Our AGM is open to all to attend, so please do come along!  However, do note that in order to vote, or be elected, you have to be a paid-up member of PSC.

Light refreshments will be available for a small donation.

Many thanks

Waltham Forest Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Patrons:  Neil Gerrard, Jean Lambert MEP, Prof Nur Masalha
Twitter:  @wfpsclondon
Post:  WFPSC c/o Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe St, Walthamstow, E17 9AH